Five Ways to Spend Less Time (and Money) at the Chiropractor

  If you’ve never experienced joint or muscle pain that required medical or chiropractic intervention, good for you! But you are also in the minority.  In fact, it’s estimated that as many as 85% of Americans have suffered from back pain.  Add to that the people who suffer from neck pain, shoulder pain, and knee pain, and you can see the pervasive nature of musculoskeletal pain.
   As a chiropractor, most of my patients come to me for the first time because they are in acute pain. Often, this pain is due to a problem with their musculoskeletal function.  Through chiropractic adjustments and other therapies, we are able to restore the normal function of their body which, in turn, relieves pain.
   Chiropractic works because when your body moves and functions as it was intended, it is able to heal itself, and you will have less pain. Makes sense, right? When your body works as it was designed, there is no pain.  
   With that in mind, there are things that every one of my patients can do help their body to function as it was intended.  If you do these five things, you will stay healthier, have less pain, and spend less time (and money) in my office.
Stay Active 
   Be as active as you can be without creating more pain. 
   If you wake up stiff in the morning, you know that moving around loosens you up and makes you feel ...

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