Muslims Claim to Believe in Abraham

   In the Qur’an, Prophet Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian. He was hanifan, a meaningless word which Muslim scholars claim to mean a Muslim.  In Qur’an 3:67: 67, “Abraham was not a Jew nor a Nasranyan (Christian), but he was hanifan, a Muslim….” In Qur’an 2:132-133, Abraham advised his sons and Jacob: “O my sons, surely Allah has chosen the religion for you, so do not die except you are Muslims...They said, ‘We will serve your god …and to him we are Muslims.’”
   There are many errors about Abraham found in the Qur’an. In Qur’an 6:74: “And when Abraham said to his father Azar, ‘Do you take asnam (idols) for gods?’”  Genesis 11:31-32 states Abraham’s father was Terah, not Azar. In Qur’an 6:74-83, we also read that Terah and his family were idol worshipers; and after rejecting his father’s idols, Abraham worshiped a star, the moon, and the sun before he worshiped Allah.
   A conversation took place between Abraham and his father in Qur’an 19:41-48: “And remember in the book Abraham, surely he was a friend, a prophet.  When he said to his father, ‘O my father, why do you serve that which neither hears nor sees nor profits you anything?  O my father, surely indeed, some knowledge came to me which has not come to you. So follow me; I will guide you to a straight way. &nbs ...

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