Learning the Value of Dressing Modestly

   When people see me today (especially those who know that my maiden name was Yoder and I am one of nine children) they often assume that I was just raised dressing the way I do.  This, however, is not the case.
   I was born in California.  My parents were what you would probably consider mainstream, nominal Christians. I believe they were attending an Evangelical Free church at the time. They dressed no differently than the average people (and also had no intention of having a large family). Also, although “Yoder” is an Amish/Mennonite name, my Dad had grown up in a non-Christian home with alcoholic parents who were never actually married.
   My Dad worked for the Fresno Unified School District and seeing what was going on in the schools, he decided that he did not want to send his children there. While trying to decide what they should do, my parents were introduced to Homeschooling and decided to try it. Also when I was quite young, my parents attended a seminar where they were convicted to start reading the Bible more in our home as a family.
   Also as part of our school, each of us children was to read through the Bible individually. As we began to be in the Bible, more and more things began to change in our family. My parents opened their hearts to allow God to bless them with more children. My older sister and I read that women were not to wear men’s clothing and men were not to ...

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