Talking to 'Snowflakes?'

   Talking to a snowflake used to mean that YOU were the weird one, but now “snowflakes” has become a descriptive term for people.  Before the election, the term was often used in reference to college students as defined in a blog by professors: “Overly entitled student. Over-inflated sense of self-esteem and self-worth comes from being told that they are precious and unique, just like each snowflake.”

   And this disputed definition from Wikipedia:  “Generation Snowflake, or Snowflake Generation, is a term used to characterize young adults of the 2010s as being more prone to taking offense and less resilient than previous generations, or too emotionally vulnerable to cope with views that challenge their own.  It is considered derogatory.” 

   Did you know college campuses provided hot chocolate, Play-Dough and special rooms for comfort for those students suffering due to Clinton’s election loss?  Have you heard the intensely fearful speculations of what President Trump may do?  As videos of the recent rioters have shown, there are more than traditional college age people involved.  Employers who have had similar trouble with employees also see the impact of people who cannot accept authority or direction, who take offense easily, are less resilient and too emotionally vulnerable to cope wi ...

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