Is Mohammed the 'Holy Spirit?' (Part 3)

   As we stated in our last article, Muslims claim that Jesus prophesied of the coming of “prophet” Mohammed as stated in John 16:13. Now we know from the Scriptures that Jesus, in this passage,  was talking about the coming of the Holy Spirit, not Mohammed or any other human. We shared six reasons in our last article and will now continue with reasons why the Holy Spirit cannot be Mohammed.

   Reason number seven: In Acts 1 we learn that after the resurrection of our Lord and before He ascended to heaven, He promised His disciples that they would be given the Holy Spirit, as written in verse 2. He showed Himself alive to His disciples and proved that He was alive in many ways. He showed Himself to believers for forty days. On one occasion, there were five hundred men who saw Him as written in 1 Corinthians 15:6. Then we read in verse 4 that Jesus commanded His disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they received the promise of the Father announced by Jesus, the coming of the Holy Spirit. I cannot imagine that any person with any common sense would understand from this command that Jesus wanted His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for six hundred years until they would meet with Mohammed. 

   Reason number eight: Jesus told His disciples that they would baptize people with the Holy Spirit. So, do Muslims believe that the disciples baptized people with Mohammed? Notice that Muslims do not believe i ...

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