The Ascension

    The title of my message is: “Christ Ascended, but He did not leave.” 

   First, I want to highlight Jesus’ journey: Jesus says in John 16:28, “I came forth from the Father and am come into the world: again, I leave the world and go to the Father.” 

   Jesus is the One who created the world and all therein.  He created man;  man fell.  God the Father sent His Son on a business trip into the world to remedy this fallen problem.  Jesus says in John 6:20, “FOR I CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN, not to do My Own will, but the will of Him that sent Me.” 

   His journey takes Him down to Bethlehem, born of Mary.  He grew up and all the while He was about His heavenly Father’s business, He gathered about Him followers whom He taught to carry on the cause of His business after He was crucified, dead, buried, resurrected, and then  ascended back to the Father.  

   The Bible records in Acts 1:3 that His ascension took place forty days after His resurrection.  That being forty days after we celebrate Easter.  During these forty days, Jesus appeared at intervals to His followers in a manner which could leave no doubt in their minds that He was really alive again, risen from the dead.  The most comprehensive list of these resurrection appearances is given by ...

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