The Source of Samson's Strength

   Samson was the strongest man who ever lived.  God warned him that if he ever cut his hair he would lose his great strength.  Did Samson’s strength really come from his hair?  Why did he no longer possess his physical power after Delilah trimmed it?  

   To properly answer this question, first let’s have a look at Samson’s life in general before we examine whether or not his superhuman strength came from his hair.

   Manoah was Samson’s father, but for many years, Samson’s mother was childless due barrenness (Judges 13:2). After much prayer, God restored her fertility for the express purpose that she should bear a son who would free the Israelites from Philistine bondage (Judges 1, 5).  Manoah and his wife (who is not named) had some specific instructions from God.  Not only were they commanded to raise the child as a Nazarite, (Judges 5, 7), the mother was also instructed on what food and drink to avoid during her pregnancy (no alcoholic beverages or unclean foods) (Judges 4, 7, 14).  But there was yet one more requirement to become a Nazarite: any man under a Nazarite vow was to never cut any hair on their head.  

   God blessed Samson as he matured and took his vow seriously, leaving his hair uncut (Judges 13:24 - 25). When he grew to manhood he used his great physical strength to literally wage a one-man war against t ...

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