Life Lessons From a Cake!

   I made a cake.  As my best friend told me (in love of course) it was not my best work.

   After frosting my luscious red velvet cake with homemade buttercream frosting, I decided that it would be enhanced with a few sprinkles on the top. I carefully opened the small section that I wanted to use of my multi-sprinkle container.  As I began to gingerly shake out the dainty candy circles something unexpected happened: the lid fell off, completely off!

   On about one quarter of my masterful cake, there was a mounted up mass of every type of sprinkle in the container. After pausing a moment in disbelief, I decided there was only one thing to do — add more sprinkles.  I emptied the remainder of my container in a similar “pattern” over the rest of the cake.

   I told my friend that there was a large life lesson to learn from the great cake mistake...sometimes we get to make our own decisions in life...and sometimes life makes our decisions for us. What I had planned for my cake was interrupted by a different reality. 

   So many times that happens, doesn’t it?  We are moving forward with a well-laid plan, when BAM out of nowhere, our circumstances bring us to a screeching halt. After pausing a moment in disbelief, there is only one thing to do...

   James 1:2-5, “Count it all joy, my broth ...

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