Following the White Hats

   What is there to say after writing about the “white hats” last time?  I was happy to receive positive feedback and hear that this article is being used to help bring awareness to more people.  Thank You Father God, for the ongoing exposure of wickedness that so many of us have been praying for.  Now will You see to it that justice is served wherever possible in this life? Please protect the children!  For Your Name’s Sake!

   Did you do any research to learn if what I wrote about earlier was correct?  I hope so!  It is truly so deep and diverse that no one person seems to be able to fully explain it all. If you do your own research, you will be more confident in what you say, too. I do strongly suggest prayer for protection of mind and heart before you do, as some of it is so disgusting that people have said they wish they could “UNsee” it.

   You might want to check out, provided by Field McConnell over in Plum City, Wisconsin. The name of the organization refers to Abel of “Cain and Abel,” and details his history and concerns over what his sister, Christine Marcy, an intimate of Hilary Clinton, has been involved with.  His faith has caused him to decide to reveal what he knows. Though his presentation is sometimes difficult to follow, he clearly has a great deal of knowledge about what has really been going on in Amer ...

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