Escaping the Debt Trap

   “Thou shalt not borrow.” The Lord gave this command to Israel twice in the book of Deuteronomy (15:6; 28:12). In these passages, the Lord clearly explains the reason behind His command. The one who lends reigns, but the one who borrows serves. The one who lends is the head, but the one who borrows is the tail. The one who lends is above, but the one who borrows is beneath. Proverbs 22:7 makes the principle quite clear, “The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.”

   History, as well as practical experience, teaches the same lesson. At the very least, debt results in bondage and restriction; not to mention the significant burden of the interest which must be paid. Debt can be an impediment to following the will of God in ministry. Debt can restrict one from giving as God has commanded. If the people I see on a monthly basis in my law practice are typical, the average pastor would be shocked to learn how many people in his church can neither give as God has commanded, nor serve in the church as they would like because of the demands imposed on their time as a result of debt. Personal debt is at an all-time high in this country, and it must be addressed in a biblical manner if our ministries are going to be unhindered, and our members free to serve and give as God desires. Here is a step-by-step procedure that can be used by anyone who desires to escape the debt trap.

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