Activities Beyond the Screen to Teach Your Kids to Be Financially Fit

   Parents take their children’s financial future seriously, and technology provides an ever-evolving variety of fun and innovative ways to teach kids about money. However, some parents are concerned about limiting their kids’ screen time, and others may be looking for more hands-on activities to use to add to their children’s financial tool kit. Luckily, there are many off-screen ways to discuss, explore and learn about personal finance.

   When un-plugged from devices, there are lessons and activities available to promote financial fitness, which can vary depending on your child’s age and temperament. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking about how you can to approach this important topic.

   Have them compare everyday expenses. Regularly discuss how much everyday items, such as groceries, meals out and household supplies, cost. Then have your kids brainstorm ways to save money. Whether they’re comparison shopping or coupon hunting, they’ll learn what a normal week’s expenses might be and practice budgeting in the process.

   You can also segue these activities into discussions about wants versus needs, such as the need to eat dinner versus the want to make a spontaneous trip to an expensive restaurant. Or the want for a game that they can’t afford unless they make money and save up first. These are good financial habits to instill and remi ...

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