Spring 2019 Perspectives Course to Be Held in Rhinelander

   Perspectives Course is coming to northern Wisconsin in 2019.  A group from the Rhinelander area has put in place the necessary logistics to offer Perspectives beginning Monday, January 21st from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 at the Rhinelander High School (665 Coolidge Ave.).  Every Monday night through May 13, instructors will lead Perspectives’ students through understanding more deeply God’s heart from the beginning of time to the present and beyond. 

   Perspectives is a 15-week commitment that is offered to both teenagers and adults.  Cost is $250 per person (more if taking for college credit).  The class is limited to 40 students.  Register on-line at www.perspectives.org.  Go to “Find a class near you” and type in Rhinelander or hit Wisconsin on the interactive map and then fill in your information.

   Registration levels include the Key Reading level.  Requirements involves 12 of 15 key readings (least amount of reading (250-300 pages) and 80% of personal responses need to be completed.  The Certificate level requirements include 1/3 more reading, weekly reviews, personal responses and integrative project — Final grade of 75% is required.  Finally there is a college credit level where students do all of the reading, weekly reviews, personal responses, exams and integrative project. ...

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