Alinskyian Social Justice Groups Blanket the Dairy State's Churches

   Organizing — the deliberate rallying of people to take some sort of action — is nothing new or anything inherently problematic.  It can be done honestly or it can be done scurrilously.  It can serve good ends or it can serve bad ends.  

   There is a particular type of organizing that raises questions both in its ends and in its means – namely, Alinskyian-style, faith-based organizing which, with the election of Barack Obama to the presidency in 2008, broke into the national awareness despite having been in operation since the 1940s.   Alinskyian organizing is a phenomenon conceived by Saul Alinsky, author of the book Rules for Radicals with its tongue-in-cheek “Dedication to Lucifer” and its very serious program of tactics to foment a “soft” revolution.  This revolution has been building for decades, through political activity and through targeted re-education.  

   Obama, trained by Alinskyian organizers (one being Greg Galuzzo, lead organizer of the Gamaliel network at the time) is obviously Alinskyian organizing’s most prominent success.  Local successes include Wisconsin’s newly elected Lieutenant Governor, Mandela Barnes.   These politicians are “progressive,” just as Gamaliel and groups like it (such as the Industrial Areas Foundation) are “progressive:” they are pro-abortion ...

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