The Graphic Truth of Abortion

   “Baby hurt!” said a little girl no older than five, as she walked by abortion victim images. 

   On June 2, I started my internship with Created Equal, a pro-life activist organization. We started out the internship by going to New York, Rhode Island, and Washington D.C. There was a common occurrence everywhere we went. When children saw what abortion did to babies they were shocked and saddened. Their consciences haven’t been seared so they recognized the evil that is abortion. 

   I have been told by multiple adults that children shouldn’t be seeing such images because it will scare them. I have also been told by multiple adults that when they were little they were exposed to the harsh reality of abortion and because of that they never considered abortion as an option. 

   So who is right? I believe showing aborted babies to the public is a key component to not only changing who the culture views abortion but also how we fight against it.

   Why should we use abortion victim photography?  After seeing AVP people have a more negative feeling toward abortion. A survey was sent out by the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform and when they asked how the residents felt about abortion after seeing the images,  90% of people responded by saying they increased in their negative feelings toward abortion.

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