If I Were to Do a ‘Marketing’ Piece on Jesus...

   2 Thessalonians 3:3, “But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.” 

   We have officially entered calendar year 2020 and now more than ever, people need and want to protect their loved ones from all the evil that is happening in our world today. 

   For instance, we want all of the advancements that technology can give us to make our lives safer. 

   It’s ironic really.

   There are cameras on almost every street corner invading our privacy in the name of security. And we even bring cameras and listening devices into our very homes in the name of security and convenience. 

   Then, we are shocked when this technology is hacked, giving outsiders an inside look into our homes and intimate lives. Hackers have been caught watching and terrorizing children in their bedrooms from monitors meant to protect them from harm. Many private households with this technology are unknowingly broadcasting their private lives for all to see.

   If I were to do a marketing piece explaining the benefits of having Jesus as your Savior, just the way technology companies market their products, I would start with the fact that the only One who can keep you safe from evil is our Lord Jesus Christ. 

   I would emphasize that with a perso ...

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