Faith is Confidence!

   Faith is built upon what we have our confidence in!  In my last series on salvation we have seen an overwhelming number of reasons to have total confidence in the God who has created and owns everything. Being 100% dependent on our Creator He covenanted with us, “I will be your God!”   Most of the Psalms are an expression of this confidence the writers had in their Lord God, the God of creation who is more than able to meet their every need, most often reiterating the many wonders of His creation.

    David, a writer of many of the Psalms was by no means a perfect man, committing some very grievous sins.  But was a man of integrity, a perfect heart, honest before God and man, a man after the heart of God.  When one puts that confidence aside, that is when we fall into sin. But one with a perfect heart knows with confidence that if we sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Christ Jesus, our Rock, the same Rock in the New that was in the Old Testament (1 Corinthians 10:4).   If we repent, confessing our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).  Not presuming upon His good graces to continue in sin, but to be free from that sin!

   Read Psalm 104.  David’s expression of confidence is rooted totally in his Lord God’s ability to meet his every need with enormous detail in everything He created. ...

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