While We Were Sleeping

   Major changes have settled over America, though, even now, there are people still oblivious. I really haven’t WANTED to believe that these changes would be permanent, but now I wonder. In some ways it feels like alarmists have been calling “Wolf!” too many times so we turn a deaf ear. In other ways, it seems that while we were sleeping major groundswell changes were taking place under our feet.

   We are finding now that people we thought were trustworthy do not share our values and are now actively coming out of the woodwork to empower chaos and the destruction of America. They are found all over our country, some even taking oaths of office to protect America but behaving treasonously.  President Trump used the word “treason” to describe the actions of individuals he specifically named, so perhaps some action will be taken soon.

   Over decades, people who do not believe in our Constitution and the God of our Fathers, have been sliding into positions of authority in all arenas of life, including our churches. I’ve spoken about this to many, but others didn’t want to believe it either. They have been there like time bombs, quietly waiting, and only rarely showing their true sentiments. It is so possible to appear to be “a good Christian believer” while subtly shifting in beliefs that SOUND Biblical, but are not.

   I remember bein ...

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