2021: Duty is Ours

Complimentary Story
   It breaks my heart to see what it is we have done to our American heritage. The “land of the free and home of the brave” has now become the land of slaves and the home for God-hating, communist-loving useful idiots.  Do we not remember, do we no longer appreciate the price that was paid for those freedoms and liberties that we are so capriciously giving away?

   The answer is that at the very least we have forgotten and are in the process of squandering the results of the incredible sacrifice that was required in our nation’s formation. The founding and signers of our declaration of independence did indeed give their all including their lives and their prosperity.  And this was after an incredibly long ocean voyage that their forefathers had to endure just to get to what we now know as America.

   These patriots were farmers, merchants, lawyers all of whom were familiar with the laws of nature and as well aware of what fate they would face if they were captured or worse yet, if they lost the war.  And yes some were captured, tortured and executed during the conflict itself while many others died from wounds and hardships as a direct result of the Revolutionary war. Still others had their possessions stolen and homes destroyed while many lost family members.

   The story is told of Carter Braxton, a wealthy Virginia businessman who had his ships destroyed and eventually died a pauper after having to sell all of his worldly goods to even survive. Several others had their homes ransacked and burned. Many lost or had their sons captured serving in the Revolutionary Army — Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of fighting in this war for independence and again, all willingly signed a document knowing good and well that they had literally just pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.  What kind of men and families would do that today? 

   The story is told of the British General Cornwallis who had taken over the home of Thomas Nelson Jr using it as his headquarters.  At Nelson’s request the Revolutionary armies destroy his own home — Nelson eventually died, bankrupt. John Hart was forced to leave his sick wife to return later to a destroyed plantation, his wife having passed away and not a clue as to what happened to his children. The list goes on.

   There have been wars since to continue our freedoms and independence, WWI and WWII, with conflicts before and after. . .  Of what purpose, then, of those efforts?  Those young men on the beach at Normandy were 20 years old at best with most giving their all. We must never forget the sacrifice and more importantly the liberties for which they fought. A high price has been paid to maintain our nation’s sovereignty and we must remember that freedom is never free! For America, it came at great sacrifice from fathers, sons, brothers, family members, neighbors and we must constantly remain vigilant to keep those very liberties.   

   So please, the next time you put on a mask because you don’t want to make someone feel uncomfortable, know what it is you are doing. Please think before you defend any of the other communist muzzles that are being put on you, your families or neighbors to control you.   Remind yourself of the founders and those youngsters on Normandy beach who gave their all so you could choose not to be a prisoner to spirits in high places.

   Secondly I pray you look at 2021 as the year of opportunity.  Did we have our last Christian Christmas in 2019?  Yes, I said 2019 because the Christmas of 2020 was a COVID Christmas — a celebration of separation.   It’s really up to you now.  For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear our enemy has been revealed, we are all now without excuse.

   We all need to roll up our sleeves today but NOT for a supposed COVID Vaccination.  Nay, instead please consider petitioning, pressuring and taking back possession of the peoples’  rights.

   Do it at the local level at the zip code level because that, my dear friends, is where our power truly resides.  There are even now others who are working toward those ends: Tactical Civics, Friends of Liberty United and others.  Find them, befriend them and work with them. 
   Any reformation rests at the grass roots level — and folks — that means at your city, parish and townships, starting in your homes. That is because none of this will have a chance of being successful if the family is not at least in the restoration process because the natural family is at the foundation of all good, as in the beginning.
   “What about the Church,” you say?  Well for the most part, the American church is dead folks, a vestigial organ.  It is more or less a part of the State and no longer beholding to God.  When you have church services do you socially distance, wear a mask, or worse yet, do you need permission to even attend?  Again for the most part, the church of Christ is defunct looking more like an entertainment center than a place of worship.  Personally I think God is tired of telling us what we should do and I fear that  if we don't act now he is about to show us and that will not be a pleasant experience.

   So here’s to 2021 —  and let’s make it an American celebration and not a Chinese New Year.   In order to do so we, those who can see, need to be as committed and dedicated as is our enemy.  Amen! 


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