You Really Expected A ‘Red Wave?’

November 2022
  “ACORN, you may recall, is the left-wing activist group with longtime ties to community organizer-turned-President Barack Obama. The nonprofit, which now takes in 40 percent of its revenues from American taxpayers after four decades on the public teat, has a history of engaging in voter fraud, corporate shakedowns, partisan bullying and pro-illegal immigration lobbying. The Democrats’ stimulus proposals could make the group – and its lesser known but even more radical ideological allies – eligible for upward of $5 billion in new public cash.”  —Michelle Malkin

   “In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate – look to his character.  When a citizen gives his suffrage to a man of known immorality he abuses his trust; he sacrifices not on his own interest, but that of his neighbor, he betrays the interest of his country.”  —Noah Webster

   “It has been thought that corruption is restrained by confining the suffrage to a few of the wealthier of the people: but it would be more effectually restrained by an extension of that to such numbers as would bid defiance to the means of corruption.”  —Thomas Jefferson, 1785 – Thomas Jefferson advocated for extending the right to vote as widely as possible.

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