When involved in an accident which results in injuries caused by the fault of another, there will be medical bills. As a person gets treatment for accident-related injuries, the bills will have to be dealt with.
Many people involved in an accident are under the mistaken impression that the at-fault party’s insurance should pay the bills. That is not how it works.
The at-fault party’s insurance will not pay anything on the case until they can receive a complete release for all claims. They typically will not assist the injured party in getting treatment. They would prefer that the injured party go without treatment and consent to a quick settlement.
That is why it is important to handle accident related bills properly. Treatment related to an accident should still be run through the injured party’s health insurance. Even though the injuries are caused by the fault of another, health insurance still applies. If the injuries come from an automobile accident there is typically another source of insurance available. Most automobile insurance policies have medical payment coverage.
Medical payment coverage is purchased with the automobile policy providing coverage to that vehicle. Medical payment coverage will pay for medical expenses related to injuries suffered by anyone riding in that vehicle u ...