Q: "I have a lot of unsaved friends and people I work with, who seemingly have no interest in Religion. What Are Some Ways to Introduce Them to Christ Without Offending Them?"

Pastor Jim Verkest, Mosinee United Methodist Church
First let us deal with some issues that the question itself raises. I am a Pastor and frankly I have little interest in religion. At least religion as I see it represented so often in this world. Religion smacks of being institutional rather than spiritual. Religion sounds organizational rather than being a movement.
Jesus had little use for the religious practices and many of the religious leaders of His day because they did not worship with spirit and truth. The religious people of His day were long on vain repetitions, prayers, empty sacrifices, and desire for self recognition. This is all too true in many denominations today as well. Its no wonder your friends and acquaintances want no part of it.
Second you need to examine who you want to introduce these people to. We are commanded to take the good news of Jesus the Christ into the world. Too many people today have this Christ concept that they witness to when we are called to introduce people to Jesus. Jesus is the way the truth and the life, the great shepherd, the resurrection and life and the Risen Christ. It is a personal relationship with Jesus that people need to have to be saved and receive the full transforming power of the Holy Spirit. It is Jesus who was and is the Son of God, who died on a cross an atoning death for my sins and who lives and reigns with God and the Holy Spirit as one God for all of humanity. This is who your friends and acquaintance ...

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