What is the Most Important Job of the Local Church?

By Pastor Dr. Roy Bowen, New Song Church, Milwaukee

Jesus told us to go and make disciples, Matthew 28:19. The way that is to be done, without question is found in Ephesians4:12-16. This is the nine-fold purpose of the church:

For the perfecting of the saints For the work of ministry For the edifying of the body of Christ

Until we all come in the unity of the faith And of the knowledge of the Son of God Unto a perfect man

Unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ

That we be no more children

Speaking the truth in love.

When this happens and the Lord Jesus is allowed to be the Head then the whole body is fitly joined together.

The church is not about programs, it is about making disciples and a disciple is taught and trained to do what the teacher teaches (Christ). When Christ is head of the church and the church is making disciples the community changes. When the community changes we need less police, less jails, less security.

In the booklet Basics of the Christian Life, copyright 1999 by Discipleship Ministry, page 31, they show that if one person would win one other person to Christ and disciple that person for six months, and the two of them would win two more and so on, and the chain was not broken by the end of the sixteenth year 17,179,867,184 people would be won to Christ. In other words the whole world would be evangelized. How many people are you currently disci ...

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