What You Do After You Sin, Reveals Your Character

How do you react when you get caught doing something you are not to be doing or when you have committed a sin? What is your first reaction?  To deny your actions or blame someone or something for what you are doing? Or do you keep your wrongdoing secret until somebody finds out and wants to know your involvement?

Last month we discussed David and Bathsheba and how their sin got Bathsheba pregnant. David not only committed sexual sin but also murder, by having Bathshebas husband, Uriah killed. David did not confess to anyone that he had committed any sin. In fact, the baby was born and nothing was ever said because after Uriah died, David married Bathsheba. Happy ending and no one ever knew the truth.Except God!

God sent the prophet, Nathan to David to confront him of his terrible crimes. The way God had Nathan do it was by telling a story about a rich man who had a great many sheep and a poor man who had only one lamb. When the rich man needed to butcher a sheep for a meal, he did not take from his livestock; rather he took the poor mans only lamb (2 Samuel 12:1-4). This made David very angry and said that the rich man should repay the poor man four times over for such a terrible crime (verse 5-7). That is when Nathan told David he was the rich man.

His sin had been revealed and the consequences of that sin David placed upon himself. Four of his own sons would die as a result including the baby born from David and Bathsheba ...

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