How Do I Become a Pastor?

Q: I feel called to become a pastor, but where does one start? Is it mandatory to go to seminary, or is it possible to start a church without formal training?

A: The most important requirement for becoming a pastor is to experience a genuine call to ministry that you can clearly articulate and that is affirmed by other believing Christians. Scripture is very clear that becoming a pastor (priest/prophet) is not a decision that we make on our own. In Hebrews 5:4, we hear these words, No one takes this honor (becoming a pastor) upon himself; he must be called by God, just as Aaron was. (NIV).
Unfortunately, there are many people who, because of the circumstances of their life, think they should become pastors. These thoughts are even encouraged at times by well-meaning people who do not take the time to truly pray about someones gifts for ministry or to discern if they truly do sense a call in someone. I have known people who suffered some traumatic experience in their life, i.e., divorce, serious illness, or death of a loved one. These people, who were already faithful Christians, were supported by their churches and in the process of their healing, thought God was calling them into ministry. Often, these feelings are only feelings of great love and support, which become confused as a call to them to become pastors.
I have known others who saw ministry as a good job and read into that a call to become a pastor. While these may be well-meaning, fai ...

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