'The Goodness Ladder'

   Do you have a fear of heights or are very unsure of yourself climbing or descending on a ladder?  There is a ladder that we all have or do subconsciously ascended or descended that is the Goodness Ladder.  This ladder at the lower end from Hell stretches up to the top where you find Heaven.  Depending on how good you think you are or someone else is, you put people and yourself somewhere on that ladder.

   Who would you place at the bottom of the ladder rungs, the very evil people?  Perhaps people who come to mind would be Hitler, Saddam Hussain, Osama Bin Laden or someone who has terribly hurt you.  On the other end, the top end, some candidates that come to mind, could be Mother Theresa, Billy Graham, a grandparent or a very kind, caring person to you. 

   Where would you place yourself on this Goodness Ladder?  Most people tend to put themselves higher than where others would put you.  You and I tend to put people lower than where we put ourselves.  Depending on what you have done that day or how people have treated you, you may put yourself on different rungs than where you would place yourself today.  “I am not as good as this person…but I am sure better than ‘that’ person.”  It is a very subjective ladder scale, very susceptible to feelings, emotions and attitudes. 

   It is a very excellent thing that God has and nev ...

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