Evolution: A Brief Peek Under the Hood (Part 3)

   We began this mini-series of articles two months ago by pointing out (among other things) that certain aspects of the evolutionary story sometimes seem quite plausible on the surface.  The example I gave was that of a fish slowly turning into an amphibian, with the fins slowly getting stronger and turning into legs, allowing it to begin to crawl up onto land occasionally and then gaining the ability to somehow breathe air. However, when you “take a peek under the hood” and look at what would actually have to happen on a genetic level, it reveals insurmountable problems that render the concept unbelievable.

   Evolutionists envision that even though mutations (random copying errors made when replicating and passing on DNA - the primary factor in providing “change”) are nearly all “bad” (and some even lethal), once in a great, great while, there are beneficial mutations that accumulate over time, allowing for evolution to progress as postulated.  Again, on the surface, this makes sense to many people, scientists and laypeople alike.

   This month we will elucidate one additional factor that renders this scenario virtually impossible.

   We noted last month that because DNA contains messages going forwards and backwards, even if we somehow were able to randomly improve a set of complex instructions in one direction, it would inevitably mess-up the instructions going the ...

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