It’s a “stormy” story with a “serene” ending. It was an event that Christ used to test and bolster His disciples’ faith.
We find this experience in Matthew’s Gospel. For context we do well to consider the amazing miracle Jesus’ disciples experienced just before this “stormy” story. It was Jesus feeding the 5000+ with “five loaves and two fish” (14:19-21).
Now we find the disciples in the middle of a raging sea, fearing for their very lives. Who said discipleship was risk-free? We need to consider that, as followers of Christ, “storms” test our focus…and our faith.
In the pre-dawn hours, Jesus comes to His disciples in a most radical way -- walking on the waters of that stormy sea (vs.25). When He appeared the fear of the disciples only increased. Then they heard the familiar voice of the Master -- “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (vs.27).
We hear another, less-expected voice. It was Peter who spoke of putting his feet on the same water that his Lord is walking upon. Jesus’ invitation was contained in a single word -- “Come” (vs.29a).
Peter achieved the improbable…in the midst of another miracle. He too walked on the stormy water (vs.29b)…one step of faith at a time! Then this courageous disciples lost sight of the Master a ...