Does God Still Do Miracles in the World and in Individual Lives, or Are There No More Signs & Wonders?

Bill Bossert, D.Min.
Pastor, The Shepherds House, Wausau
I have a friend who served for a few years as a Christian missionary in a primitive part of New Guinea. He and his wife were the first Westerners many of the indigenous people had ever seen. He and his wife stood head and shoulders over the people, their Western dress was different, and they talked about some big powerful Papa in the sky.
Just past dusk one evening, my friend pulled out his flashlight to use while walking the path back to their hut. The people with him were absolutely amazed at this miracle in his hand. They took it to mean he possessed super powers (actually two Duracell batteries), and they knew he must be very rich to have such a thing in his possession. To those who had never seen a flashlight or anything like an electric light before, it appeared to them to indeed be a miracle.
Would it then follow that it is only a matter of lack of understanding of how the miracle is done that makes it appear astonishing or miraculous to us? That is, if we could understand the scientific assumptions and structure behind the miracle, would we then think it was really a common thing after all? Wasnt this the discovery that gave rise to the Age of Reason? And wasnt this the appeal of the gift of science to the development of our modern society?
It might be too simplistic for us to just write-off unexplainable things as we just dont have enough knowledge about that yet. And it might be too simplistic ...

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