Key Meeting in Uganda Highlights WILD’s Future Plans in Africa

Complimentary Story
   WILD recently held a strategic meeting in Kampala, Uganda with WILD’s south central Africa Regional Director Henry Mukonda (Zambia), east Africa Regional Director Edward Baleke, west Africa Regional Director David Mulbah, International board member Marty Aubol, WILD Communications Director (from Uganda) Christine Jesse and WILD Director, Mike Prom.  They prayed, reviewed, evaluated, and dreamed about WILD for the next 20 years.  In assessing spiritual leadership, the Directors know of no other ministry that targets young people in their regions in this training.  Therefore the discussion focused around strengthening the structure at the International level and the regional level in Africa.  WILD has broken up Africa into five regions due the vastness of the continent and the difficulty of travel to various and between countries.  
Prioritized Focal Points from the Regional Director’s Meeting
   Within the next 5 years (beginning January, 2015), WILD will establish the WILD International office located in Rhinelander with the needed personnel to allow the office to function well to allow the other areas of WILD to flow well. The second focal point is as the International office is being developed, the next focus area is the regional offices.  WILD divided Africa into five regions but the focus is on the three existing regions to provide funding and direction to have these offices fully functioning.  
   Third is the planning and execution of WILD’s third gathering of WILD African leaders.  Summit 2015, will be held this July in Uganda.  10 to 12 countries from Africa plan to be represented by WILD personnel for the Summit which occurs once every two years.  Countries that plan to participate include Zambia, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote D’Ivoire, Nigeria and Zimbabwe.  Some of the topics to be discussed will include the National WILD teams becoming self-sufficient to raising the funds need to provide training, understanding the secular humanist and Islamic worldviews, land development in several countries and developing partnerships with Christian colleges and universities to provide ongoing training for the pastors and Christian leaders
   The final focus is to develop U.S. national contacts for fund raising & have Regional offices and the National offices also raise funds for WILD.
   Having the opportunity to meet face-to-face, the regional directors and the U.S. team were able to pray and plan together that would not occur with being long distances apart.  Opportunities even in the past several weeks have develop like popcorn popping.  From Liberia, Moses, our National director wrote, “The need for WILD training in that part of the country (Rivercess) is so high, especially, according to some, they have never heard of such leadership training before. They are actually hoping that their training could be the last week of February or `the 1st week of March 2015, and should be one week intensive if possibility exists.  The road condition is best traveled during this time (dry Season) in Liberia.If the interest of these people who are in highest need of leadership training willbe given timely consideration, the National Team (WILD LIB) will have no regret to carry out this training which is expected to have not less than 150 person.
   For Henry Mukonda, he is scheduled to head to Zimbabwe next month to establish that country. The Zambian team has organized their next youth conference for mid-April.   Malawi, Ivory Coast and Nigeria WILD teams are preparing for trainings.  Connecting with Ethiopians in Toronto may be a possibility in April.  The list goes on.  Please pray and consider giving by going to  

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