Insights from Henry Mukonda on What WILD Is

   WILD has realized the fact that to change a culture of people, you do not change the adults but change the mind sets of young people and then if you give it 20 to 25 years, the whole culture will have changed completely. 

   Look at how small the families have become in Africa now.  Some 20 years ago, most families had at least 7 or more kids, but the young people were taught family planning and the need to have smaller families. Today it is almost standard to have 3 or fewer kids. 

   The culture has changed. Maybe that is why the adults died in the wilderness so that the younger generation would inherit the land during the Exodus.

   This realization by WILD has led to the introduction of the “WILD-YOUTH,” which focuses on the youths or young people. This wing is growing like wildfire. The Christian organizations that used to work with young people have all diverted their efforts to other areas. 

   When the young  people who were developed by those organizations became adults, they became Pastors or leaders of churches and they gave up on the very organizations or arms of the church that developed them. 

   WILD has revived the idea of the youth again. The young people love it and are being developed.  Almost all the countries where WILD has a presence, the Youth are running with the idea.

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