Is It Fact or Fiction? (Part 1)

   In an article written on the internet, the author mentioned four very important suppositions concerning Islam. Liberals and Muslims enjoy working together to defend Islam. Liberals, in this case, are used by Muslims as “useful idiots,” and I am amazed how they can get away with such propaganda. 

   The author stated in the article that there is a claim by some that all Muslims are Arabs or Middle Eastern. Is this fact or fiction?  According to 2010 statistics, there are fifty-seven Muslim countries and it is common knowledge that many of them are not Arabic nations. As a matter of fact, if we look at the top ten of these fifty-seven Muslim countries, we find that eight of them contain one billion Muslims who are not Arabs. Only Egypt and Morocco have populations of a hundred million who actually can speak the Arabic language, but they are not Arabs. 

   Egyptians were invaded in 641 by the Arabs. The military leadership of Omar and his successors killed four million Coptic Christian men in one hundred years, and the wives and daughters of these Christian men were taken as captives, spoils of war, slaves, and from these women Muslim babies were born in Egypt. What took place in Egypt was repeated in the other fifty-six Muslim countries. The men were killed, and the females were raped to raise Muslim babies. 

   Now let us investigate the claim in depth.   ...

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