Failing Forward

   As Christians, in everything we do and say, we should bring glory and honor to Jesus.  That principle is found in I Corinthians 10:23-33.  Being Christians, we represent Jesus (Matthew 5:16, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21) or as Paul clearly explained that people should follow or imitate what he did and they, too, would be following Jesus.  

   That is all fine until when you try something and it fails, does that mean you have failed Jesus?   In everything that you have attempted in your life, were you perfect at what you did?  It is a very safe guess that none of us have ever done everything perfectly.  So does that mean people can follow Jesus even when we make a mistake or do not get all the correct answers on a test?  

   Perhaps the larger aspect is how we handle ourselves when we make mistakes.  Granted, there are the sin issues.  We need to have an attitude of confession and intentionally working to change a habit or action so as not to repeat that sin.  There are the mistakes that occur when we attempt something and do not do things perfectly.  Do you look at yourself as a failure and give up or do you handle things differently?

   When life gets difficult, some people respond with a positive, focused attitude while others become basically hard to live with.  There is another group of people who due to mental illness, hormonal imba ...

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