How Does the Remnant Return to Our God?

   A remnant perspective:  Those of us who have had the dawning, and sometimes daunting, understanding that the whole Word of our God is true and valid for today often have to run the gauntlet of those who do not understand. It is very hard to be brief because there is so much to address, but essentially, the remnant returns to our Father through Messiah’s atoning work on our behalf, and recognizes that Messiah Yeshua/Jesus IS One with the Father and they do not change!  Yeshua is both the Living and the Written Word: “both/and,” NOT “either/or” as those of western/Greek mindset see it.

   We do not believe that They looked up one day and decided to authorize a new “church” when there was already the foundation in place for THE assembly of the House of Israel, His people.  Although, I do have to say that I believe that He allowed the division to occur and last these two thousand years, for His purposes; much as He allowed the division of Northern and Southern Israel.  We are grateful for the opportunity to be grafted in, by faith in Messiah to that tree, just as we recognize that those of Israelite heritage must also be grafted back in to their “own tree” by faith in Him. Since He didn’t change and He doesn’t lie, we see that all of the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings, which we call the Old Testament IS ALL ABOUT MESSIAH!  It is all the foundation ...

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