'Hate' Is the Wrong Platform

   There is so much happening on the American political scene it is almost unnerving, for those who are paying attention.  For others, it may seem like it is all just business as usual. 

   The Special Counsel, and the Mueller Report were dragged out as long as possible despite the lack of any evidence of wrongdoing by the Trumps.  We saw the horrific misrepresentation of the character of Justice Kavanaugh, putting him and his family through a proverbial hell. There have been new efforts to smear Justice Kavanaugh, though the fallacies within them were very quickly exposed, thankfully.  One more round of battle.

   The latest issue as I write is President Trump’s telephone call with the leader of Ukraine, in which he asked them to follow up on finding out just what happened in the situation involving then-VP Biden.  Political accusations of acting outside his authority and accusations of behaving in a treasonous manner have surfaced. Yet it was stated by Biden, on tape, that he had “negotiated” the firing of a Ukrainian investigator who was looking into the company in which Biden’s son was a very well-paid board member, despite having no relevant knowledge.  Biden is on record as having stated that he could withhold US funds to Ukraine if his request was not granted, and that they could call President Obama to confirm it.  This situation is already known to t ...

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