VCY America Launches ‘2020 Outreach’

The Need
   As we comb through the news and issues on a daily basis it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice that we are living in troublesome times.  Evil abounds.  Wickedness is all around us.  The heart of man is totally bent on doing “that which is right in his own eyes.”  Indeed as the Apostle John wrote, “…men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”  (John 3:19)  Not only is there evil, but there is a rise in secularism, and a growing animosity to Biblical truth.  How badly this world needs Jesus!  But most are oblivious to their spiritual need.  They think they are “doing just fine.”  

   Have you ever considered the all important question, “How will they hear about Christ unless someone tells them?”

   Often believers will try to  skirt the issue by saying “That’s the pastor’s job!  That’s what he’s paid for isn’t it?  Isn’t that the job of the church?”  Newsflash!  Believers in Christ ARE the Church!  And, it’s incumbent upon every one of us to let our light shine for Christ.

The Biblical Mandate
   Throughout Scripture, believers in Christ are given the directive to share the Gospel.  Conside ...

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