Vaccinations, Mercury, Fluoride and Milk. The Real Truth

   As the majority of you know, I have been writing and sending newsletters to you for thirty-two years.  In so doing, it has always been my intent to primarily discuss health and health freedom with you, my readers.  However, during the past two decades, the United States has taken actions which are, to put it bluntly, not in the best interest of the American people.  Many of you are well aware of some of the aspects of these actions.  Just as an example, many of you, including myself, had our retirement accounts decimated in 2008.

   Because, I study three to four hours a day, I have been exposed to a tremendous amount of information during this time.  In this article, I want to  present to you a serious message...a message of hope for those of you who are willing to listen, and, on the other hand, a message of an uncertain future for those of you who choose to do nothing.  The end result of all the studying and research has caused a behavioral and thought paradigm shift in my overall outlook of the path we are all heading down this day and time. 

   I will briefly cover a few of the  paths we have gone down, and will go into detail on several  topics.  Here is a brief accounting of what has happened, which has forever changed my life and your lives also...whether you are aware of them or not:

   1).  Back in the 1950s, many baby b ...

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