This Is What I've Learned...From Honey Bees!

   Observe the bees…I’ve been watchin’ the honeybees workin’ on a purple flowered bush off the front porch this summer.

   They’re gettin’ after it. They be busy bees.  And they have to be…because their lifespan in the summertime is about 5 to 6 weeks! 

   Now a lot a folks don’t care for bees, due to a pointy end on ‘em that carries a sting, that can really hurt…Ouch!!  But the other end of a honeybee is it’s true business end, for it’s for makin’ sweet!  Good ole’ “bee spit.”  I love it…it’s got lots of medicinal powers in it, plus it just tastes good on just about everything, like biscuits with bacon, and such…

   Honeybees seem to just naturally get along with each other, and live in a community known as a hive, where their entire lives are spent, for the good of others. And observing them this summer, has reminded me of something Albert Einstein once said, “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”  This  should also buzz true for believers like you and me, because, 1 John 3:16-17 (MSG) says, “This is how we’ve come to understand and experience love: Christ sacrificed His life for us. This is why we ought to live sacrificially for our fellow believers, and not just be out for ourselves.”  ...

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