Behind the Mask

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:

   I picked the Wisconsin Christian News up at Rod and Staff publishers, where I work as Spanish Editor.  As a Conservative Mennonite, I do not agree with the militant, activist thrust of some of the articles, but I know that as Conservative Mennonites, we are too far removed from the concerns of a nation that is falling apart, and we are not doing all we can to call people to repentance.  My personal desire is to help prepare a remnant that would have the spiritual resilience to again plant the seeds of truth in new soil, perhaps after America as we know it disappears.  I do not want to see it disappear; I would like to be a part of a revival that would change the course of history, but I wonder if it is yet possible.

   We have just been notified that masks must be worn in all public places in the state of Wisconsin.  What is behind this push to mask up Wisconsin, the USA, and the world?

   It is not firmly believed by all of the medical profession that masks will keep you from COVID-19.  Masks have a downside to health.  If you are sick, or if you are not, masks trap and help incubate in a moist, warm environment,  many types of pathogens that will be present behind the mask.  Is the best interest of health behind the mask?  Hardly.

   Could money interests be behind ...

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