Law & Disorder: Behind the Curtain of Chaos

   According to the Insurance Information Institute, damage caused by the riots during the two weeks from May 26 to June 8, 2020, alone, is expected to cost the insurance industry between $1 and $2 billion in payouts. This projected amount does not include the damages not covered by the policies or the deductibles paid by the policyholders.
   Described by the corporate media as “generally peaceful protests,” the riots were allegedly the result of the perceived racial injustice at the hands of police, starting with the case of George Floyd. Although most property damage and the bodily injury appeared limited to the Pacific Northwest and mid-West in cities such as Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis, police records show that violence and vandalism occurred in more than twenty states. 
   Many people will dismiss these riots as unplanned, spontaneous and organic, or a reflexive response to emotionally charged incidents. When a closer examination of events is conducted, however, we find that just the opposite is true. These continuing riots are well planned, well-executed, and well-funded. These costly incidents are multi-purpose coordinated efforts to create chaos within the US and follow some of the same patterns of Socialist and Communist revolutions in other countries. Some of the same orchestrators are behind all of these events. Moreover, plans were made to ensure that those responsible ...

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