Apathy Allows Emotional Distancing

   Apathy is the lack of feeling or emotion. In America, it is all too common to see people numbed by the chaos that consumes the world. Without having a biblical worldview to explain why there is so much death and destruction, many turn to apathy for comfort. How could someone with no foundation of belief keep themselves from blocking things from their mind that are too big, too scary, too dark for them to understand?  I think that apathy is partially caused by the inability to critically think about what it would mean to acknowledge the harsh reality. 
   When we share the gospel with the lost, many write off what we (Christians) are saying without taking a moment to think about the implications. Every person thinks about death. The inevitable death of our bodies scares a lot of people. Fear consumes a person when their faith is not in Jesus. Those who don’t know Jesus might be oblivious to what happens after they take their last breath.  People begin to push down their emotions as a coping mechanism for their otherwise crippling fear.  This might help explain why we can live in a country where pedophilia in movies like “Cuties” is available on one of the largest streaming services in the world. The average American is against pedophilia and would condemn it, yet because powerful people said it was now “acceptable” and “praiseworthy,” people look the other way. 

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