The 'Back Pack'

   The fact that it’s largely invisible does not diminish its weight. The distance it is carried varies with the individual…as does the weight being carried. 

   This mysterious object we are referring to is the marriage “back pack.” Let’s open one and find what it contains.
   Here is found all the disappointments, discouragements, hurts, and heavy emotions that have occurred during the marriage. Like invisible “rocks,” each one has added weight to the “back pack” each spouse carries. The weight grows with each unloving word, or action. Carrying the “back pack” takes resiliency away from the relationship.

   Another, perhaps less expected “rock” is named “silence.” It is tied to the empty moments when “rocks” just stayed “rocks.”
  There is a direct relationship between the size of the “rocks” and the weight of the “back pack.” The same can be said of the number of “rocks” and the weight. 

  Over time, this invisible burden can seem unbearable. This leaves the carrier with a choice — how to rid himself, or herself of the burden that has  progressively taken away the love, joy, hope and peace within the relationship.

   Divorce can be chosen. Often, however, som ...

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