Witnessing Begins At Home

   Is your home a lighthouse in your community? It can be. 

   In Acts, Luke writes that early Christians met regularly together in their homes. They ate together, prayed together, worshipped together…“and the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:47). As believers, how can we use our homes as a beacon of Christ’s light in our neighborhoods in the 21st century? 

Start Inside
   Successful outreach begins with prayer. Spend time praying for your neighbors, your friends, and those you meet in your community. Pray for them by name, and ask God to provide opportunities to speak with them about His gift of eternal life. Invite your spouse, roommate, children, or extended family to join you in prayer. Make it a family initiative. Prayer not only breaks our hearts for the lost, but it also draws us closer together as a family of believers. 

Reach Out
   Take time to develop relationships with people outside your family. Sometimes the people we know the least live the closest to us. Get to know them. Ask questions. Invest time into them. Ask if you can pray for them about anything. Often, we have no idea that people we see every day are struggling. A kind word or an offer of prayer can open the door for deeper, spiritual conversations. Focus on building trust and relationsh ...

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