Making A Godly Decision at the Voting Booth

   We live in America where God has given us great freedoms the rest of the world does not have. Our founding fathers were godly men who desired a country with God, our Creator at the Center of government. Government is for our good so we can live peaceable and godly lives. 

   In the Old Testament, when Israel had good, godly kings who followed God’s commands, the country prospered. Read Joshua 1. In America, God has blessed us with accountability within government. No one man has absolute power, each division of government is accountable to each other, and to the people of America. Voting is a great gift from God, but God wants us to vote for the right people. Just like in the Old Testament when there was a godly king, the people prospered. When the king was evil there was destruction and poverty.  People are sinners, the heart is desperately wicked, beyond repair.  Men and women do not want God ruling anything!  The original sin was rebellion against God’s commands.  People do not even know they are rebellious because they think they are somehow “good.”  We live in an age where wickedness and evil are so obvious, and yet mankind will not repent.  There are people serving in positions of government who are so evil that they call evil “good” and good “evil.”  These politicians are consumed with hatred and malice for what God calls “good.” &nb ...

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