What Now, Church? (Part 1)

   What Now Church? What must the response of the Christian Church be to the government overreach during this time of uncertainty? When churches are being told to close their doors, what should the response be from pastors, ministry leaders, and Christians?]

   Let me begin by saying that during unprecedented times, responses will initially be varied. People will have all sorts of reactions to what they are being told. So, there will be some degree of disagreement as to the nature of the perceived issue and the appropriate measures that might be taken.

   As time goes by however, the real nature of any issue should become clearer and the best solutions to address the issue should be forthcoming. When people and organizations have the time and opportunity to evaluate the data given to them by the government, specialized organizations, and media, an informed decision is more assured.

   What we are seeing is the data utilized was terrible skewed, the responses therefore were horribly wrong. Shutting down an entire nation for something that amounts to less than the flu is obscene in the sense of the destroyed lives, livelihoods, and futures of so many people. 

   People are bewildered, confused, and in some cases willfully deceived. How is that the case? Many citizens cannot believe even in the face of overwhelming evidence that our government at any level would del ...

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