Issachar: Children of Understanding Of the Times

   This newspaper continues to become a larger and louder voice, not only in Wisconsin but around the country and internationally.  The messages that come through this vehicle are more clearly Scripturally-focused than many other resources, as one of few remaining Christian newspapers. They are rarely “politically correct” and rarely do anything to keep the proverbial frog in the kettle unaware of the imminent danger.  They are messages that show an awareness of the times, like the men of Issachar, who knew the issues of their day. Some receive it with gladness while others may view it as “too contentious!”

   For those of us who share a Biblical worldview, the events of our day present a challenge. Although we might prefer to remain in our own cloister or “echo-chamber” and hear only that which magnifies our God and King, as we understand Him, we also know that we are to be IN the world, but not OF it.  

   We know that there is an ongoing need for both introductory and deeper study of the Word, so that those who name the Name of Messiah Yeshua grow and solidify their faith. Over many years of clinically working with individuals and families, including many in leadership in various church denominations, I am a witness to the struggle here. There were always those who genuinely appeared to be walking in faith but recognizing their personal fears/issues and the need t ...

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