Do I Really Believe?

   “Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?” That’s the opening premise in Dr. Del Tackett’s The Truth Project, a systematic worldview study.

   This week, as we consider the results of the election we’ve just gone through, that question seems especially appropriate to me.  Am I totally convinced that the belief system I claim is truly real?  Truly reliable? Truly right in every situation?

   Over the past several months we have made many and varied appeals to voters in Wisconsin to honor God with their vote — and we believe that is incredibly important in any election.  I truly believe that, and believe it is really real.

   But as we now live with the consequences of the election, do we really believe that God is sovereign, that He is truly in control of everything, even to the putting up and taking down of leaders, even to how viruses come and go, even to how justice is brought to bear on those who lie and cheat to get what they want even in an election?  Do we really believe how God operates is really real?

   As many have noted, elections will come and go, as will candidates and any and all elected officials, as will even the nations of the earth.  But the one reality that is forever is our triune God, present as Father, His Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and His revealed Wor ...

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