First Call

   It was another day of teaching for Jesus. He was on the shoreline of the Sea of Galilee when He took an intentional “detour.” It was disciple-calling time.

   Jesus used the boat of a fisherman by the name of Simon from where He taught the crowd of listeners (Luke 5:3). Then He gave Simon a personal directive — “Put out into the deep water, and let down your nets for a catch” (vs.4).

   After a night of unsuccessful fishing, Simon, with reluctance, complied (vs.5). The outcome was nothing short of miraculous — the catch being so great it began to break the nets, filling two boats to capacity (vss.6-7). 

   Simon was filled with amazement and shame, as he acknowledged his sinful status (vs.8). But Jesus announced His plan — to make Simon, and his partners, His first disciples — whom He would train to “catch men” (vs.10). And they “left everything” and followed Jesus (vs.11).

   PONDER POINT: We are all called to be Christ’s disciples — who know Him, grow in Him, and show Him — in our daily lives.

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