Is the Church Really 'Non-essential?'

   1). “The Great Awakening”  
   Even secular historians writing about American history refer to an era prior to our War of Independence as “the Great Awakening.” Prior to that Awakening (about 1660 – 1740), Christianity went to sleep. According to our forefathers, the “sermons” had been “irrelevant,” “trite,” “short” and redundant. Worship became mere formality or glorified social gatherings. In short, the Church was, in today’s terms, truly “non-essential.” People became accustomed to a bland morality. They later lamented that the pulpits had catered to popular trends, studiously avoiding mention of the real evils plaguing society. Gone were the sermons that addressed bribery, corrupt courts, treason, abuse, rampant unbelief/Deism, politics, sexual perversity. Little was said of God’s just wrath.

   But then, something enormously powerful transformed the colonial landscape…and birthed a new nation! They called that era “The Great Awakening” because what occurred was indeed, “momentous,” and even “miraculous.” That generation knew they had been asleep, allowing evil to rear its dominating head, spreading its tentacles throughout the whole of colonial society! 

   Fervent prayer was awakened as God raised up the “pioneer pre ...

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