Who You Are Is More Important Than What You Do

   “We set young leaders up for a fall if we encourage them to envision what they can do before they consider the kind of person they should be.”  (R. Ruth Barton).

   Often the question we ask children and young people is, “what do you want to do when you grow up?”  The focus, even with our spiritual growth and journey, is “doing” focused.  Doing spiritual things like reading your Bible, praying, witnessing and being involved with other Christians is how we gauge our spiritual walk.  Now these activities are essential to grow spiritually but if we are simply focused on doing activities whether spiritually or as a leader, we miss the mark.

   Who you are is more important than what you do.  If you are focused on developing who you are in your relationship with Jesus, to be and think more like Jesus and as a leader, your desire to serve others is priority, that is “who you are” focused, rather than “doing” focused.  “Doing focused”  can lead to be more of wearing masks with others, where what we do is different or even contrary to what we are in the inside of us.  This lifestyle is a definition for what Jesus was describing a hypocrite. 

   A hypocrite was a mask theatrical people used in Jesus’ day so that people who could not see the faces and body language of the actors ...

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