If Trump Would Have Prosecuted Biden For Treason, He Would Not Have Become Your President Elect!

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. -Patrick Henry
One of the promises left undone by that of point man Donald Trump, was to bring back the rule of law.  Along with that promise, he also promised over and over again that he would drain the swamp.  Those are his words, not mine. In other words, he was saying that he was going to deal with the corruption in Washington D.C. (Isaiah 26:9)
Remember, he was going to bring in a special prosecutor concerning Hillary Clinton,.  Then, after he won the people’s White House, 41 seconds into his victory speech, he turned on his supporters and said to them that the American people owed Clinton a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.  He later went on to call the Clintons "good people" and said that he "did not want to hurt them." (Proverbs 17:15)
How many crimes have the Clintons committed against the American people, as well as the other third world countries? 
Then, we have Barack Hussein Obama who transgressed the US Constitution over 1,163 times, and 330 million people in this country stood back and allowed him to do so.  Do you remember the Iran scandal? 
The president of the United ...

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